Roads information

The Roads Committee is made up of volunteers who maintain our roads. Depending on the season, you will see them filling holes, watering or providing the needed services to keep the Cedar Mesa Ranches’ ten miles of roads in great condition. Many hours are volunteered to maintain the roads, so it is asked that speeds are kept below 25 m.p.h. for anyone traveling within Cedar Mesa Ranches.

Roads Committee Members

Chris Hinds - Chairman

Roy Moya

Stan Mattingly

Terry Wheeler

David Oswald


Roads Committee Administrative Information

2023 roads committee items

2022 Roads Committee ITems

Reports, Plans & Maintenance

Speed Surveys

Snow Removal

Cedar Mesa Ranches HOA, Inc. has an outside contractor conduct snow removal / plowing operations on a contractual basis. Below is this year’s snow removal contractor’s information. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact them.

Cedar Mesa Ranches’ Saturday Road Weed Removal Crew (May 2021)

Thanks Everyone!